A goodbye for now
This version of CeliaMania.com is going offline sometime between December 4th and December 9th of 2024. I have tried running this server as long as possible, but the old server cannot handle the bombardment of intrusion attempts any more.
If you need any of the tutorials, feel free to make a PDF or print them out. You may post them somewhere else without attribution IF you don’t credit for it yourself. I want it to be the kind of information that you’ve “heard on the Internet”.
Who knows, another blog might pop up somewhere.
Goodbye, for now.
Celia Wessen
CeliaMania Online -
How to put 2021-Present Acura RDX into Neutral without Starting the Engine
TL:DR; Use 8mm socket, remove engine air filter housing, use same socket to turn shift lock release pawl on transmission casing.
Coding a Porsche Cayenne (E3/9Y0) with a x431
First thing’s first:
- Attach a battery maintainer, charge vehicle battery to >80% or a use a power supply to maintain 14.4V to the vehicle
- Plug in the communication module into the OBD2 CAN-BUS port
- Turn the ignition to the ON position (all the way clock-wise WITHOUT stepping on the BRAKE).
Getting to the Coding Menu on a x431
- Diagnosis
- Porsche
- Manually Select
- Cayenne
- Cayenne -9YA (As of 2018)
- System Selection
- Cayenne -9YA (As of 2018)
- Cayenne
- Manually Select
- Porsche
Select individual Systems for Coding from here.
Updating the iCarsoft POR OBD tool using a Mac?
Yep, you’ve read that correctly. You can update the iCarsoft firmware using a Mac. The key is to use Wine, the compatibility layer for Mac hardware that lets you run Windows apps. You can then use Wineskin PortingKit or CrossOver to wrap up the runtime environment into an icon that looks like a Mac app that you can launch by double-clicking on it. You will want PortingKit or CrossOver to run the iCarsoft update app in 32-bit, because modern MacOS is 64-bit and making Wine run in 32-bit without a wrapper is a hassle.
Once you make those wrappers, you might want to change the boring default icons. You can use
Is TurboTax still telling you “It Looks Like We Hit A Snag”?
If your TurboTax for Mac is still telling you “It Looks Like We Hit A Snag” after an initial crash AND sending in the error report EVERY TIME you start TurboTax, then you have to clear TurboTax’s instance from the cache for KSCrash.
If you’ve had the situation outlined in: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253681263?
… but ended up with Step 5 like @Williamfromroswell did, where TurboTax shows that pesky error report window every time you restart, then the one last place you have to look is:
Quit TurboTax and move this folder to the Trash. When you start TurboTax again, it should not show you the error report screen until the next time TurboTax actually crashes.